Thursday, November 3, 2011

When passion leads to action.

There once was this kid, and as early as he could remember he knew what he was looking for out of life. He didn't know how he would attain it, yet he knew what he wanted.

His passion: to love, be loved, and to create a success of himself for those that he loves.

There was reason for this...
Growing up he felt that he always knew how to love. That doesn't mean he necessarily did love.

He would think negative through situation after situation, hoping that the next day would be better than the rest. Yet hope, can only take a person so far.

He would think of every situation in his life as a reason for his negative thoughts and actions. He didn't want to risk being hurt. Yet he knew that the true hurt was to not take the risk at all.

He allowed himself to stay stagnate in his attempt succeed in every single aspect of life.

He knew he could not be like any other person, and in the beginning he resented that.

He knew his passion and he knew where he wanted to go, yet he hated himself.

So his passion could not shine.

He decided that he had enough.

His passion: to love, be loved, and to create a success of himself for those that he loves.

As he got older, he began to change. He got off of his ass and worked. Worked on becoming a better person, lose the temper, lose the animosity, lose the blame.

He changed his mindset.
It took him years to realize, but he knows that he can never achieve perfection.

and he is okay with that, there is no such thing.

Instead he considers his bad days to be good days. Not because he feels happy and great, but because he knows that at least he was blessed with another day.

He knows you can feel down, you can hurt, you can cry.....The secret is to not let that pain define you.

A wise man once told him "Circumstances don't make the man, passion drives the action, and the passion towards the action makes the man."

His passion: to love, be loved, and to create a success of himself for those that he loves.

His passion for life, success, and love is understood.

He accepts the risks of failure.
He accepts the risk of heart break.

He accepts the risk of passion. For passion leads to action. Action leads to happiness.

This boy has grown into a man.
This man is finally happy.
This man loves.

I know this is true, because this man is me.

I know at times life may seem against you.

At times life will want to beat you down...You just need to decide to fight or take the beating.

Be strong in your fight, Understand your passion, and do not settle.
Give yourself a chance and fight for your life before you miss out.

You get one life, where will your passion lead?

To love, be loved, and to create a success of myself for those that I loves.

Stay strong,


God loves you, Mikey loves you, so love yourself.

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