Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pilates Reformer: A humbling experience

Today I had the chance to be taken through some movements on the Pilates Reformer.

To say it was humbling is an understatement.

After a killer strength day yesterday that left me pumped and feeling on top of the world, I woke up sore. not just ooh i feel that...more like "ahhh my bloody glutes" sore.

As I got to the gym I spent about 30 minutes foam rolling the hamstrings, glutes, and IT band alone.That's when I got the question.

"You want to go through the reformer?"
Pumped and energized to learn something knew I said "Of course!"

Whenever there is an opportunity for education I take it. I love it. Gaining new information and learning new movements is my favorite. There is nothing more fulfilling than working to perfect my craft.

I did not know what was in store for me...
Boy I did not even think about how hard, yet simple this thing would be.

This not only challenged my body, but my ego.
This little torture device left me feeling like a newborn trying to stand....

 I was falling over in every way imaginable.

It was so bad I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

I've always known that I am tight, but working out as much as I normally do I figured it wouldn't be too hard to sit on a Pilates machine and do some simple movements.

We started out with what seemed like some pretty easy movements, Little did I know Crew was saving the torture for later...

It was almost like he wanted me to think it was easy and then kill my spirit...

I swear that was his plan.

Make Mikey feel weak, inferior....He deserves it

Well no, not really.

But what Cres did do was expose me to my imbalances a bit more.

I often tend to over look them because I can do movements pretty well, I can workout hard, I can lift decently heavy for my size. I can condition hard, and I can fight through a good burn.

Overlooking it is not making me better though, I may get stronger, but I will still continue to have the same imbalances which could possibly lead to injury or pain later on down the road.

It was an awakening session for me.
I know what I am good at.
I know what I am bad at.

I do work on both, but it is obvious that I need to spend more on my faults.

As I tell my clients, we have to make our weaknesses stronger to improve.

I simply tend to overlook it sometimes.
This experience has made me really open my eyes to my own training regimen.

I know I am doing the right things, I simply need to do more for my weaknesses.

So thanks to this humbling experience I have decided to write up a new program for me.
I have come a long way the last 3 years, physically and mentally.
I must continue to improve.

I will not give up my strengths, but i will correct my imbalances.

It is important to have these experiences.

To keep me on my toes. To keep my training fresh. and to keep educating my clients.

The number 1 rule we have at CFA is to practice what we preach.

I ensure you all that I do this, and will continue to do this for the rest of my life.

My goal is not simply for me, for If I keep improving, You do as well.

I want you to reach maximal results, I want you to have these Aha! moments as well.

In good Health,


God loves you, Mike(y) loves you, So love yourself

1 comment:

  1. Mikey,
    Thank you for giving me an oppurtunity to work with you today.
    Humbleness is one of the greatest expeirences in life. This is how we mature and stand alone.
    Working on your craft is ongoing, as I've been working on mine year after year. This is from Expeirence, Education, and Hunger to be better.
    Thank you again, for your willingness to be part of this great interaction.
